Privat in Molbergen
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- Ambience:
- oriental
- Number Rooms:
- 1
- Smoking-Area:
- ATM inhouse:
Food & Beverages
wir können für einen Kaffee oder ein erfrischendes Getränk sitzen
- Beverage Types:
- Soft Drinks
warm Drinks
Privat description
nur für diejenigen, die mehr Details in privaten
Outdated or anything to complain about? - Please send us an email to .
Address/ Directions
molbergen49696 Molbergen, Landkreis Cloppenburg
Lower Saxony
- Discreet parking:
Book appointment now
Opening hours
Please callPlease tell Privat when you call or visit, that you have the contact data from moneylove.
Please ask Privat to complete the profile and upload photos on moneylove..